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  3. Hello fellow educators, I'm excited to join this vibrant community of dedicated teachers, and I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Harish, and I have been fortunate to spend the last 13 years teaching the fascinating subject of chemistry in Maldives and United Arab Emirates. Teaching has always been more than just a profession for me; it's a lifelong passion and a mission to inspire young minds to explore the wonders of science. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with a diverse group of students, each with their unique learning styles and aspirations. One of the most rewarding aspects of teaching chemistry has been witnessing those "aha" moments when a complex concept clicks for a student or seeing them develop a genuine curiosity for the subject.I'm here to learn from your experiences, share insights, and collaborate on ways to make education even more engaging and effective. I look forward to engaging in thoughtful discussions, exchanging ideas, and building connections with fellow educators who share my enthusiasm for teaching and learning. Warm Regards Harish
  4. Hi I'm a secondary school teacher. I have nine 09 years of teaching experience. I'm searching for a teaching job in Gulf Countries. Anyone who can help me in this regard please....!!!!
  5. Hi, I am the Head of Art at an international school in Spain and need some advice regarding some results my students have received in AS Level Digital Media. My group was a mixed group, with some students who did not submit enough work and were predicted E and some students that worked very hard and to a high level, who were predicted A. The results have come back and all of my students have received D or E and I am totally stunned, I do not understand how this is possible. Firstly because of the amount and quality of work submitted by those students with predicted higher grades and secondly because it is complete nonsense that a student who has done barely any work can receive the same grade. I have contacted my Director and said we need to contact Cambridge, to see if there has been a mistake, perhaps related to the submission of work but then I do not know what to do if they say there has not been a mistake. I have had one issue with a result from Cambridge in the past, for A Level Art, and they bascially said there was nothing I could do. It is shocking an heartbreaking that a student who clearly meets all of the assessments criteria and shows good skills and creativity, can receive such a low grade, totally unjust. Please help me in any way you can, I am not going to let this matter drop. Thanks
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