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Questions To Ask When Picking Out A School Abroad

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Deciding you want to teach abroad is only the first step in your journey. Before you sign a contract and pack your bags, you need to make sure that you've found the right place.

There are thousands of schools around the world in hundreds of destinations. Some are much better than others. Once you make your choice, you'll be there for at least a year and maybe longer, so you need to make an informed decision. This requires doing thorough research and asking the right questions.

Be prepared to take your time – and don't accept your first offer. If you are a qualified teaching professional many schools will want to hire you, so you have options. Here is some basic advice about picking the right school to teach at when abroad.

·      Research the climate. The weather will impact your experience. Some people deal better with hot weather than cold weather. There are regions that don't really have seasonal changes – but in places in South America, it can rain six months a year. Find out what the weather is going to be like, and if it will bother you.

·      Find out what the other teachers are like. Are they mostly recently graduated college grads? If so, then the school may not be very professional and simply trying to get cheap labor.

·      Find out the local cost of living. Your wage may sound great at first when you covert it to dollars, but some places are very, very expensive to live in. A salary that would be good in Florida might leave you flat broke in Finland. You need to know what your buying power will be when it comes to your salary.

·      If you are a woman, check out the region's track record when it comes to sexual assault – and how they treat women in general. Some Middle Eastern, Latin American, Asian and Eastern European cultures treat women poorly, and you don't want to feel uncomfortable the entire time you are there.

·      Research the local laws and find out how they might affect you. For example, Singapore has strong anti-smoking laws. If you like to smoke, you might have a bad time there. Saudi Arabia forbids alcohol and possessing it can cause many issues.

·      See if they will provide you with a place to live, or if you will have to find your own apartment. If they won't provide accommodation, look up what the local rent prices are like.

·      Ask to talk to one or more of the teachers on the phone or via Skype. Ask pointed questions about what the headmaster is like, and the general environment at the school.  Always ask a potential employer for staff contact information to get in touch with those on the ground.

·      Check the U.S. State Department website and find out if there are any warnings for Americans traveling or working there.

·      Find out if the school will pay for your visa application and other documents you need to work in that country.

·      Search for the type of students they have. You don’t want to end up with the worst school in the area.

cc InternationalEducators.com 2016


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